Acta Palaeontologica Polonica

A reconstruction of three Jurassic polychaete jaw apparatuses

Hubert Szaniawski and Andrzej Gaździcki

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 23 (1), 1978: 5-29

From isolated scolecodonts three new species of jaw apparatuses of Jurassic polychaetes are reconstructed and described: Schistomeringos expectatus sp.n., Arabella diversimaxillata sp.n. and Notocirrus compositus sp.n. The reconstruction criteria are briefly discussed. The ultrastructures preserved on attachment surfaces of soft tissues of scolecodonts are described and shown to be very useful for the reconstruction of jaw apparatuses. Micromorphological comparison showed a striking similarity in structure between Jurassic and Recent jaws of the Schistomeringos

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